Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Obama

President Obama. George Bush has gone back to Texas!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kansas City Library

This is the Kansas City Library. Isn't this something to see?

I once lived in Kansas about 100 miles West of Kansas City. It was a nice place to live and Kansas people are good people. Somehow though they have become farther right politically and religiously than they were back in the 1970's?

I have not visited Kansas since 1989, the year my father-in-law died.

I think it remains a good place as it was back then. Congratulations on an interesting new library. Cool..

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Holidays are over

I received this cartoon in my Yahoo page this week. As has probably become obvious in this blog I like cartoons. Good cartoons can be found among the piles of those not worth the bother.

I like the odd ones better than the most popular ones. The best cartoon in our local Gazette-Times is Crankshaft. The worst one is Cathy. The G-T could do much better in the cartoon section. One I would like to see added to the G-T is Pickles.

This particular cartoon is timely for early January. I have seen some extremely dry Christmas trees lately.

I hope everybody had a nice New Years Day.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 2009

I started this blog in January 2008, so it has been going for one year now. It has gone through an evolution of sorts. The biggest change so far is that I don't post every day anymore like I did through most of last year. I might get back to that eventually.

The big reason I stopped posting every day is because nobody really cares. It is quite a personal commitment to post something every day. People were not reading this blog, even though it looked for a while like they were.. Turns out most of those readers were getting directed here through Google searches. They stayed only one to two seconds. So my numbers were misleading.

I plan to keep blogging as long as it it makes sense to do so. I went to all the trouble of setting al this up so I guess I will keep doing this for a while.

See you soon.