Monday, December 29, 2008


Remember George Bush's stimulus check? I finally applied for it on September 26, 2008, after being very ambivalent about whether I should take dirty George Bush money or not. I went back and forth about this in my mind month after month. It was a moral issue for me. I can't stand George Bush. He ruined my country after I paid such a price to stand at her side. ( I was going to give the money away when I got it).

The deadline to apply was October 15th and I finally applied with two weeks to spare so enough time for U.S. Mail to get it there.

I never got the stimulus check so I called IRS today. I wanted to get it done before 2008 expires so they could not say I was too late now. On hold for 35 minutes before someone answered the phone. I went over the whole thing. The woman told me a bullshit story. I got mad and told her to go to hell. After I cooled down some I checked on the information she told me. Well..... she was lying.

I called back later. Another 35 minutes for them to answer the phone and I spoke with someone else. He was able to actually determine what happened to my stimulus check. IRS made an error. They placed some information that I submitted with my 1040A form into the wrong place when they moved information from my form into their computer. But they will not correct their error! I need to correct their error.

I now need to go through all my 2007 stuff and 2008 stuff and re-file the whole thing again in 2009. Can you believe this?

I suppose you can. Why not. You file taxes with IRS.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


I ate something yesterday that left me with food poisoning or food allergy.

Cramps. Extremely light headed to the point of almost passing out. Strong heartburn all night long. I slept on the sofa for hours yesterday afternoon, and then stayed in bed until 9:30AM this morning. I am better now. Whew.

I felt so good and energetic yesterday morning and the day had so much promise. Completely ruined by the wrong food.

I have been trying to figure out which it was that caused all this trouble. I think it was one of those white powder covered Christmas cookies that somebody gave me. I threw the rest of them into the trash. Christmas season is now over for me.

New Year resolutions? Probably the same one that comes around for almost everyone in America. Lose some weight in 2009.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Here it is Christmas Day. Nothing much happens around my home at Christmas. When one lives alone, Santa pretty much just passes over the house on his way to homes where kids live. That is how it is supposed to be and that is good.

It is 9:15AM now, and I have a date with friends to meet for coffee at Beanery at 9:30AM. Dinner this afternoon at friend's home. It is not snowing today. Whew. I am tired of snow already.

I attended two church services last night. 7:00PM service and again at 9:00PM. It was a very peaceful way to spend Christmas Eve. Friends who are moving here from Washington state were at the late service, and that is why I stayed for the second. They have bought their new home but the closing was delayed and they cannot occupy until sometime next week.

Holiday time is probably the worst time of year to get mortgages, title companies, and real estate people to come together? So many people take off for vacation this time of year and those left in the office aren't in a mood to work hard? Then add the arctic storms that buried Salem and Portland?

Today's cartoon has nothing to do with today's subject. But this is how people sometimes feel when visiting doctors.

Friday, December 19, 2008


It has been stormy right here in Corvallis all week just like it has been stormy all over the country.

I get stuck at home in this kind of snowy weather.  I can't access the sidewalks in a wheelchair when they are snow covered.  I tried to go to Beanery and can't even get there.  One block away. I have been stuck at home for many days.  

Nobody in Oregon scrapes sidewalks.  I gave away my shovel when I moved into this condo.  

Maybe I will buy a shovel from Robnetts Hareware store.  I can shovel the walks for these two blocks myself.  (maybe that might embarrass somebody able bodied into doing it themselves)?  (Probably not).

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Man. Don't you wish he had clobbered Bush with the shoe? Just a shoe.. Not a bullet. Just a shoe..

Show the world what an idiot we have tolerated for the past eight years. Thank you for throwing a shoe at this guy.. Somebody needed to do that a long time ago.

Especially good is that it was a respected Iraqi citizen..

Bush was quite agile though. Too bad. I wanted him to get clobbered by a shoe...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The old Tractor

The old tractor looks pretty bad. I wonder if it can ever be restored?

Some old tractors in this kind of condition have been restored, and maybe if we can find the right person or place ours can be restored too?

This is what it looks like now after being neglected and left in the outdoors for too many years. The other picture is what it is supposed to look like and actually did look like at one time.. Back in 1944 when it was new.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Finished? Almost

I have come around to the idea that this blog is pretty much a failure, and I am going to severely limit entries for a while. And I might even stop blogging.

You might notice that I have deleted most of the entries that I posted here in the past ten months. I began this blog in late January 2008. It is now mid-December 2008.

This whole idea of blogging is back into decision mode.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Family Shopping is finished

I finished all my Christmas shopping for my family. Everything came from Hazelnut Hill.

See you tomorrow. Maybe.